# of watchers: 5
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar keeps walking home.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: Craig she her across the street and waves
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sylar waves at Craig and she smiles.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: Craig not looking where he going falls right on his ass.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar saw him fall and she rans to him and picks him up,"Are you okay?"
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "Well what would you like?"
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: Craig rubes the back of his head. "Yeah"
"SOmething that warms ya" Ino says
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji nods. "I'll come up with something."
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar frowned,"Let me heal you."
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Your a good cook cho^^"
"Oh okay" Craig sits up.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar knelt by him and touched his head and started to heal him.
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "Thanks Ino." he smiled.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Sweet you can heal people" Craig smiles
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"Most demons can." she finshed healing him. "All done." she smiled at him.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "I never knew that. Oh I'm Craig"
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"I'm Skylar, but everyone calls me Sky."
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Nice name. IT fits well" Craig stands up.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar stands up,"Thanks."
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji start to make the food.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Nice to meet you and thanks for helping"
Ino walks into kicthen.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar nodded,"Nice meeting you too,Craig."
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji keeps cooking.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "sky you live here a while?"
"Can i help cho?"
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"I've lived here for 300 years, so yes it's been a while." she chuckled.
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "Sure can help." he smiles.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "wow longer then me" Craig smiles
"Yea :)" Ino stands naxt to cho.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar nodded and smiled.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "My little brother is at home waiting for me" Craig nods
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"How long have you and your brother been here for?"
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji tell her what she can do.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "A year now. You live with anyone?"
"Alrighty^^" Ino smiles
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"I have a vistor at my cottage."
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "Then you can give me a kiss." Chouij blushed slightly.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "cool' Craig nods
"okay cho i will" Ino blushes
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji blushes deeper.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar nodded,"But I think he will be leaving soon." she sighed bit.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Leaving?"
Ino sneaks up on cho and kisses him.
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji smiled and kisses her back.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: Ino gets back to help cooking
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar nodded,"He's looking for his mom here. So I'm looking after him until he finds her."
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Cho keeps cooking.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Oh maybe i can help" Craig offers
"Cho i done with this now what?"
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"How so?"
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji asked her to do something else.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: " me and my brother can keep a eye out for her"
"okay^^" ino smiles
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji smiles.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"We don't know what he looks like. All he knows is her voice."
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Whats her voice then?"
"I bet your the better cook, cho"
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "Oh?"
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "Yeah i never cooked much" Ino nods
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar shugged,"I don't know,but I took him to a club last night to here the singers."
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "I can tell." Chouji smirks slightly.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "So she must be a singer?" Craig wonders
"Whats that mean, lol" Ino laughs
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: "Nothing." Cho smiles.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: "uh-hu" ino smirks
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji nods.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar nodded,"Yes."
2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max looked out the window seeing Skylar across the road and smiled
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar looked at the house and saw Max she smiled and waved.
2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smled more and waved back. He det the book he was reading aside and ran out side and hugged her, "Hi Sky."
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar hugged him,"Hello,chi
2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled up at her, "I read almost a hole book today."
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar,"Well that's really good,child." she smiled.
2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and nodded
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar smiled,"Max would you take the shopping inside for me,please."
2009-11-15 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and took her bags taking them inside
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar smiled.
2009-11-15 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi smiled lightly at zuki. "so where to now?" she asked with a kind smile.
2009-11-15 [ArtworkA]: ino places the dish on the table.
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Chouji severs the food.
2009-11-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar smiled at Craig,"Well I have to go and cook dinner. Goodbye Craig." she smiled at him and then she walked over to the house.
2009-11-15 [shadows of life]: Zuki shrugged.
2009-11-16 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi looked down and thought for a minute. "do you guys have a waterfall anywhere near?" she asked.
2009-11-16 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at Skylar as she walked inside
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar smled at Max.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "There one at the lake." Zuki said.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: Ino sits done to eat. "Cho here should we look next?"
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Chouji shrugs as he sits back.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: "Ugh this is so werid how it all happened"
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar finshed making Max his dinner and she went out the garden and planted some flowers.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "I know Ino, maybe Ty can answer some question."
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: "I asked him remember. He said it was up to me"
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar watered the flowers and plants.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "Maybe we can try again."
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: "True true"
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Chouji nods.
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skyar finshes and gose to the front of the house and planted some flowers there.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: "After i eat i will go see him"
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Chouji nods.
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar still planting flowers, in front of her house.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: Ino eats some.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Chouji already finished his food.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: "Wanna come with me,cho?"
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Chouji nods. "Yup."
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar keeps planting flowers.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: Ino puts her dishes away.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Chouji washes the dishes.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: Ino walks onto the porch and waits for cho.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: (Rira?)
Chouji walks up to Ino and smiles.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: (oh sorry i could of sworn that said Ino, lol)
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: (its fine.)
Chouji nods.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: Ino walks into town. "Hmmm.....wher
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: Ami sat near the temple and pets Poe's beak.
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar plants more flowers.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "Then temple?" Chouji said.
Poe smiles.
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: Ami smiled. 'You know what, Poe.'
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Poe turned to her. 'What?'
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: "Maybe. Lets go" Ino walks for the temple
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: Ami smiled more, petting him. 'Im glad I met you.' She leaned over and kissed his beak.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Chouji follows her.
Poe smiles. 'So am I.'
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: Ami stood up and looked around nuzzleing Poe.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: Ino looks around the temple for him.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Poe smile and chirps slightly.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Ty walk up to Ino and Chouji.
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: 'Your cute Poe.' Ami smiled happily. She felt better then she did before comeing here.
2009-11-16 [ArtworkA]: "Ty can you at least tell me where i should start looking first"
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar plants more flowers.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Poe smiled. 'Thanks.'
"Looking for what?" Ty asked.
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: 'your welcome. Shall we go explore.' Ami stood up and looked around the place.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Poe nodded.
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar stood up and looked at her front garden and smiled.
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: 'Alright.' Ami started to walk off before she saw three people gathered, a woman and two men.
2009-11-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar started to watered the flowers and plants in the front garden.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: Poe nods.
"Hello, Ami and Poe." Ty said.
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: Ami looks over at him. 'You know my name....'
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "Yes I do." Ty said.
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: 'May I ask how.' Ami asked a little scared.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "I'm one of the care takers of the Temple, one of the jobs is to know who pass through the Temple."
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: 'Oh....so if I wouldnt have gone into the temple, you wouldnt of known my name or something.'
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "Well that wouldn't happened. The only way to the island is through the Temple."
2009-11-16 [Fallen Child Athena]: 'Good point...so might I know your name...' Ami held onto Poe.
2009-11-16 [shadows of life]: "I'm Ty."
2009-11-17 [Fallen Child Athena]: 'Nice to meet you.' Ami smiles a bit.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Ty nods.
2009-11-17 [Fallen Child Athena]: Ami looked at Poe and nodded. 'Shall we go, Poe'
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Poe nods.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi smiled. "wanna go there then? i think it would be beautiful." she said blushing.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "Sure." Zuki nods.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi sneezed lightly and covered her nose as her fur stood on end. "excuse me." she said shaking her fur back. she then bashfully and shyly took zuki's hand.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "Excuse you." Zuki says as he take her hand and start to walk.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi purred softly as her tail wagged. "thanks. so what does the waterfall look like? i mean...the area around it." she asked.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "It a lake."
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi nodded. "thats pretty." she said.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki nods.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi smiled as she followed him.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki walked to the lake.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi smiled as she sat in the field of flowers by the lake. she picked one up and put it in her hair.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki smiled at her.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi smiled back. "well?" she asked giggling.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "Well what?"
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi giggled softly. "how does it look?" she asked. she then leaned down to look at her reflection in the water.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "It looks good."
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi looked up and grinned. she then fell in the lake and was under for a while.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "Izumi?" He asked.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi's foot was trapped on some string at the bottom of the lake as she couldn't get up. small bubbles escaped her mouth to the surface.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki dived into the lake and pulled her up.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi layed in his arms lifeless.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki give her CPR.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi coughed up water and looked around wearily.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "Izumi?"
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi put her hand on zuki's face. "w-what happened? w-who are you?" she asked.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "You fell in." Zuki said.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi jumped out of his arms not remembering a single thing. "ok...but..who are you?" she asked.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "I'm Zuki."
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi looked at him and sat down. "ok hi zuki. but...what was i doing here with you and why are we hanging together?" she asked. her memory was slowly coming back.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "We was going to see the waterfall."
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi nodded as she laid her head on his shoulder as her memory fully recoverd. "i remember now." she said kissing zuki on the lips.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki smiled and kissed her back.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi smiled back and blushed. "do you love me zuki or just like like me?" she asked.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki held her close.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi looked at him.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "I love you." He whispered.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi gasped and blushed hard and whimpered happily. "i....i love you too zuki." she said as her face got blood red.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki smiled and blushed slightly.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi held onto him closely as she felt herself fall asleep.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki held her.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Izumi fell asleep in his arms as her tail wrapped around them both.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki appeared back in his house.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi was still wrapped aroun him tightly.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki laid her down.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi loosely let go as she purred.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki smiled down at her.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi curled up into a cute little ball.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Zuki made his self some tea.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi sniffed the air as she smelt the air. "yumm....smell
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "You like tea?" He asked.
2009-11-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: izumi smiled and licked her lips. "love it...way more than milk.' she said giggling softly.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "Really?" Zuki asked.
2009-11-17 [ArtworkA]: Bryan is walking through town trying to find the book store.
2009-11-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar was walking through town carrying some plants.
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Chouji looked over at Ino.
2009-11-17 [ArtworkA]: "I dont think ty is at the temple" Ino frowns.
Bryan notices sky and walks over. "Can i help?"
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "Why not?" Chouji asked.
2009-11-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skylar smiled at him,"Yes please." she handed him one of the plants.
2009-11-17 [ArtworkA]: "Cause i dont see him him" Ino says
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: "He could be in the temple."
2009-11-17 [shadows of life]: Chouji nods.
Ty walks over to her.
2009-11-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Skyar smiled,"I'm just taking them to my house. It's just down the road."
2009-11-17 [ArtworkA]: "Ty. I must ask. Where should i at least look first?"
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